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Coordinated Entry

His House Foundation provides Coordinated Entry for individuals and families where the head of household is 18 years or older within the Suburban Metro Area Continuum of Care (Carver, Scott, Dakota, Washington and Anoka Counties) SMAC MN

What is Coordinated Entry?

Coordinated Entry is a process that allows organizations to share a common intake and assessment tools in order to better coordinate our efforts to address the needs of the homeless. 

For Hennepin County: see updates here at Coordinated Entry homeless assistance | Hennepin County

For Ramsey County: For families, Catholic Charities at 651-215-2262;for single adults 25 and older, St. Paul Opportunity Center at 651-793-2219 or your current shelter provider; for single adults 16-24, Safe Zone at (651)-224-9644; for parenting individuals 18-24, Ramsey County at 651-215-2262.

For other Counties, contact your County’s Human Services department for current contacts.

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